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User Research and Co-Creation

Aug 4, 2023

User Research and Co-Creation are at the core of iPROLEPSIS research process

Within iPROLEPSIS, several Digital Health Tools (DHTs) will be developed with the aim to early detect the transition to PsA in PsO patients, to predict flares to allow for early intervention, and to generate personalised recommendations and personalised interventions that help manage the disease.

The different DHTs to be developed are:

  • miPROLEPSIS patient app;

  • miPROLEPSIS healthcare practitioner dashboard;

  • biAURA biaural sounds app;

  • Personalised recommendation system;

  • Personalised Gaming Suite (PGS).

At iPROLEPSIS, User Research and Co-Creation form the foundation of the research process. Diverse qualitative and quantitative research methods have been employed, including interviews, observations, surveys, and usability testing, to gather data and refine our healthcare solutions.

One key approach has been conducting 10 focus groups with Dutch, English, Portuguese, and Greek Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) patients. Four prominent themes emerged from the focus group discussions:

  • Disease Activity,

  • Coping,

  • Care Experience,

  • Digital Biomarkers.

To obtain more specific input from a broader population of PsA patients, a survey was created. The survey consisted of 5 sections dedicated to the following:

  • Demographics & Technological Experience;

  • miPROLEPSIS Patient App - Content and Appearance;

  • BiAURA App – Preferences;

  • Personalised Serious Gaming Suite – Content and Appearance.

Key highlights of the insights gained include:

  • Creation of a Patient Experience Map. Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) has a great impact on the life of those affected. Emotional wellbeing is highly related to the experienced disease activity fluctuating over time. The patient experience map relates the level of disease activity over time to the level of emotional wellbeing in a graph. The  graph was created to empathise with our end users and indicate where our Digital Health Solutions might be able to help with improving their Emotional Wellbeing during various stages of disease.

  • Development of User Personas. Engaging and relatable descriptions of user needs and desires, guiding user-centered design principles for our digital products.

  • User Requirement Updates. Refinement of User Requirements for the Digital Health Tools based on focus group findings, ensuring that our tools meet the real needs of PsA patients.


iPROLEPSIS is committed to advancing Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) management through cutting-edge technology and empathetic design.

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