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Boletim de notícias do Projeto iPROLEPSIS

iPROLEPSIS project newsletter No 6

Oct 9, 2024

Issue No. 6

iPROLEPSIS project newsletter No 6

Welcome! This is the 6th edition of the Newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project. In this issue, we highlight the release of the miPROLEPSIS and miPROLEPSIS Joint Landmarker apps, recent publications, reflections on Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness Day and Psoriasis Awareness Month, and key takeaways from recent events.

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 5

Jul 9, 2024

Edição nº 5

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 5

Welcome! This is the 5th edition of the Newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project. In this newsletter issue, we delve into the updates and progress of the project activities, synergies and events.

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 4

Mar 7, 2024

Edição nº 4

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 4

Welcome! This is the 4th edition of the Newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project. Let's explore the latest developments and advancements in our project activities, collaborations, and upcoming events.

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 3

Nov 30, 2023

Edição nº 3

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 3

Welcome! This is the third edition of the Newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project. In this newsletter issue, we delve into the updates and progress of the project activities, synergies and events.

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 2

Sep 5, 2023

Edição nº 2

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 2

Welcome! This is the second edition of the Newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project. In this newsletter issue, we delve into the transformative power of user research and co-creation in the healthcare innovation research process.

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 1

Jul 3, 2023

Edição nº 1

Boletim informativo do projeto iPROLEPSIS nº 1

Welcome! This is the first edition of the newsletter series of the iPROLEPSIS project! The 1st newsletter informs you about the iPROLEPSIS project, its vision, pillars and objectives, and the partners involved.

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