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iPROLEPSIS project objectives and work packages

Project aspires to shed light upon the health-to-PsA transition with a comprehensive multiscale / multifactorial PsA model employing novel trustworthy AI-based analysis of multisource and heterogenous (i.a., in-depth health, environmental, genetic, behavioral) data.

Project objectives

iPROLEPSIS consortium works on 7 ambitious key objectives in the field of Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA).

Project Objectives and Work Packages iPROLEPSIS.png

PsA inflamation drivers

Discover PsA inflammation drivers through AI-driven health, environmental and omics data mining.

Role of mast cells

Investigate the role of mast cells and features from non-invasive skin microvascular/joint imaging in inflammatory symptoms tracking.

Personalised interventions

Develop ICT-based personalised interventions to sustain or even improve quality-of-life.

Co-creative ecosystem

Co-create the iPROLEPSIS ecosystem with key stakeholders, following ethical, inclusive and trustworthy AI principles.

Digital biomarkers

Develop and validate objective digital biomarkers for tracking inflammatory symptoms and disease activity.

Trustwothy AI models

Build trustworthy AI models for personalised PsA risk prediction, early diagnosis and high disease activity prognosis.

Digital health ecosystem

Develop and clinically validate the iPROLEPSIS digital health ecosystem to empower persons with/at risk of PsA and healthcare professionals.

Work packages

The 6 Work Packages of the project will bring together various and complementary expertise from consortium partners.

Work Package 1:
Management and coordination

WP1 is dedicated to project management and coordination aiming to enable a smooth project workflow;

Ensure optimal contractual, administrative, financial, scientific, technical, IP and innovation management;

Assure project quality and safeguard ethics, regulatory compliance and proper data management.

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