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iPROLEPSIS project vision and impact maximisation

Health-to-PsA transition through multi-source data analysis guiding to a novel personalised digital care ecosystem and impact maximisation through openness, visibility, networking and reuse of outcomes. 

Project vision

Data analysis, iPROLEPSIS project goals, IoT technologies and mobile application.

Vision and impact.png

About Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is a chronic, inflammatory disease, affecting the peripheral and axial skeleton, with a severe impact on patients’ quality-of-life.

It is estimated that 1-2% of the general population has PsA, i.e., 5 to 10 million people in EU are affected .

PsA is associated with psoriasis (PsO) and up to 30% of people living with PsO, i.e., at least 100 million people worldwide (WHO), are expected to develop PsA.

The goal

The goal of iPROLEPSIS is to propose a novel ecosystem that involves Real Worl Data (RWD) collection mechanisms and a powerful decision support system to provide new knowledge for the key actionable factors that affect the health-to-PsA transition, adopting a multiscale/ multifactorial approach, so, with the use of xAI-based models, to offer an efficient, effective, and clinically validated personalised digital care ecosystem for PsA patients.


IoT sensing technologies and a mobile application will be at the heart of the RWD collection procedure, while retrospective and prospective multi-source data will be collected from the clinical partners’ databases, combined with open access ones.

Through the analysis and visualisation of these data using AI predictive models and an intuitive visual analytics tool, respectively, the iPROLEPSIS will be able to propose personalized treatments (i.e., diet, physical activity, stress/fatigue/pain management), assisting doctors, caregivers, and hospitals towards the optimal management of PsA.

Finally, through xAI techniques, iPROLEPSIS aims to facilitate hospitals and policy makers in gaining new insights towards better clinical practices, thus shaping future PsA treatment policies.

Impact maximisation

To ensure the successful implementation of the pathways towards impact in long-term, the project consortium aims at making iPROLEPSIS a reference for the fight against PsA by:


Creating an active iPROLEPSIS community of stakeholders.


Informing key stakeholders about results and their clinical innovation potential.


Making the outputs widely available for research and business purposes in the long term.


Increasing people with/at risk of PsA engagement for addressing their issues and concerns in order to increase their awareness and to build trust into new technology.


Reaching similar/relevant R&I projects for promoting networking and joint activities.


Establishing a forum/community for HCPs and authorities to develop new guidelines and standards.


Identifying exploitation mechanisms and activities, assessing the commercialization and applicability of the concepts and ideas.

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