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The protocol for iPROLEPSIS-PDPID study approved in the Netherlands

Nov 12, 2023

Ongoing preparation for iPROLEPSIS-PDPID study initiation

In November 2023, the protocol for the PsA Digital Phenotyping and Inflammation Drivers Study (iPROLEPSIS-PDPID) received ethical approval In the Netherlands. Approvals in the UK, PT and GR are in progress. The research will be conducted in the Netherlands, the UK, Portugal and Greece.

The primary objective of the iPROLEPSIS-PDPID is to establish a development cohort to create smartphone and smartwatch-based, AI-driven digital biomarkers for the remote assessment and monitoring of individuals with psoriatic arthritis.

Two action types will occur in the development cohort: measure and predict.

Measure: To develop novel smartphone and smart device digital biomarkers for the assessment of inflammatory symptoms with a particular focus on the recognition of changes in movement patterns, pain, fatigue, and morning stiffness in comparison to the gold standard – medical evaluation by clinical evaluation of the joints, tendons and skin.

Predict: To predict the change from uninflamed to inflamed using three triggers that may cause longstanding inflammation in psoriatic arthritis patients at risk for flare. Those three triggers are stress, mechanical stress and changes in the gut microbiome.

To achieve these objectives, iPROLEPSIS-PDPID will leverage cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive set of products, such as a mobile phone app and a smartwatch.

The miPROLEPSIS phone app, which will be used in this study, is currently under development. The app will be installed on the patients’ smartphones and utilised as a data collector before being used to develop and train algorithms.  

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